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Venus Freeze Mommy Makeover

Posted by Sara Barrett on Jun 3, 2013 4:15:00 PM

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Venus Freeze Mommy Makeover – Get your Pre-pregnancy body back!

Being a new Mom is one of the greatest things in the world, but for many women, getting their pre-pregnancy bodies back can be a challenge. The Venus Mommy Makeover utilizes a new non-invasive technology called Venus Freeze designed to re-contour the body, tighten loose skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Because there is no pain or downtime, you can resume your normal daily routine and be on your way to fitting into those pre-baby jeans while respecting your new mommy’s budget.

 In this clip from The Doctors, they perform a Venus Mommy Makeover treatment on Jennifer, a mother and former swimsuit model, who had been disheartened by the lack of results from diet and exercise. Jennifer said that after her pregnancy, her stomach just wouldn’t “go back to normal”. After only a couple treatments, the results are astonishing. Completely painless, Jennifer says that the Venus Freeze treatment “feels very nice.”

Get the answers you are looking for below!

Venus Freeze Mommy Makeover Get 2 Free Treatments!

How does Venus Freeze work?

Venus Freeze employs a patented new technology which combines Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Magnetic Fields. The Multi-Polar RF delivers fast, pain free, homogeneous heating to multiple tissue depths resulting in superior outcomes for body shaping and skin tightening. Pulsed Magnetic Fields technology has been used in traditional medicine for decades and is scientifically proven with regard to its regenerative properties.

Is there pain with Venus Freeze?

No. The patented design of the Venus Freeze treatment applicators allow for fast, even delivery of the energy which most compare to a hot stone massage. There is no pain or discomfort whatsoever, and no downtime, which means you can get back to your normal day right after the treatment. 

Am I an ideal candidate for Venus Freeze?

Venus Freeze can be an effective solution for many patients but as with any treatment, there are some considerations. Venus Freeze is not an alternative for those needing significant weight loss or surgery such as liposuction. It is designed for patients who have a Body Mass Index of less than 30 and have a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle.  

What areas can I have treated with Venus Freeze?

Venus Freeze is designed to treat the entire body and face, however most new Moms prefer to focus on the abdomen and hips to reduce the size of the post baby pooch as well as the appearance of stretch marks.

What is the treatment frequency and how long does each take?

Each patient has different needs but on average, optimal results can be achieved after 6-8 treatments for the face and after 8-10 treatments for the body. Treatment frequency is once a week and last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes for one area. Most new Moms enjoy having a little “Me Time” in order to relax and get pampered.

How safe is Venus Freeze?

Venus Freeze is safe for all skin types and because there is no downtime, you may resume your normal daily routine right after each treatment. Your physician or clinician will determine if you have any risk factors which will prevent you from being treated.

When can I get started?

Today! Schedule a free consulation with us by phone at 208-939-3110 or request a appointment online. 

Are you ready to try a Venus Mommy Makeover?

Give yourself the second best gift and get back your pre-pregnancy body with Venus Freeze. 


Topics: skin tightening, venus freeze, Mommy Makeover

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