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5 Incredible Uses for Botox

Posted by Sara Barrett on Aug 16, 2016 11:13:00 AM

As one of the top cosmetic procedures and wrinkle-fighters, you’ve probably heard of and even considered Botox. But, along with an interest in Botox comes a whole list of questions. One of the major ones being- Does it work? (Yes, see before and after pics!)

Botox is so popular because when injected by a skilled and trained injector, the results are phenomenal. You can treat smile lines, frown lines and even put a halt to excessive sweating problems. As one of the top 1% in the nation for delivering Allergan products such as Botox (How about that Boise?!), we have had plenty of experience with Botox injections. Through out the years, we have found there are AMAZING uses for Botox. There are even medical uses for Botox, including treating migraines.

Here are some of our favorite uses for Botox:

Keep Crow's Feet From Etching Themselves Onto Your Face

Usually in your mid-30s, you start to notice a spider web of lines appearing around your eyes when you smile. Most likely the first time you see your thought will be “Oh my goodness, where did you come from and how long have you been there?” While many people consider these smile lines to be a sign of a happy life, no one likes once those lines become permanent lines (crows feet) that stay there even after you stop smiling!

Botox does wonders at eliminating the appearance of crows-feet. The non-invasive injections are quick and results last from 4-5 months.

Before and after photo from a testimonial on

Botox Crows Feet

Fix Permanent Frown Lines

Have you ever heard the expression “Don’t make that face or it will get stuck like that?” Well when it comes to frown lines, if you knit your eyebrows too often – you will get a permanent frown line(s) between your eyes. Botox can keep frown lines from developing and can help reduce the appearance of frown lines that have already formed.

Botox also works to prevent horizontal lines from appearing on the forehead. It's important to pick a trained and experienced injector (this is an important factor when you are getting any cosmetic procedure) because too much Botox in the forehead region can cause a mask-like effect that can look unnatural.

Read our testimonials and find out why Silk Touch Med Spa is one of the best in Nation.

Stop Excessive Sweating with Botox Injections

People who excessively sweat can benefit by Botox treatments under the arms. Botox works by blocking the release of acetycholine, the chemical responsible for stimulating the sweat glands. During the treatment, Dr. Kerr or one of our certified injectors inject Botox under the skin where your sweat glands rest. The procedure takes less than 10-20 minutes and you really do stop sweating.

For those who feel like they are dealing with excessive sweating, you may be dealing with a condition called hyperhidrosis.. Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating problems are caused by the nervous system. BOTOX® effectively blocks the impulses sent from the brain to the nerves that cause excessive sweating. Deodorants and antiperspirants control sweat by clogging the pores, but are not effective on people with hyperhidrosis.

Surgical treatments for hyperhidrosis include cutting out the sweat glands or cutting the nerves that lead to the glands. These surgical treatments can cause permanent scars and nerve damage. BOTOX® treatments for hyperhidrosis take 10 to 20 minutes. The treatment begins working within the first week and last for six to twelve months.

Where does the sweat go? Your sweat doesn't go anywhere or get backed up because the sweat simply is not produced in the areas treated with BOTOX®. Remember, the rest of your body is free to produce moisture normally.

Eyebrow Lift

There are muscles in the face that pull down the eyebrows and muscles that lift up the eyebrows. A skilled Botox injector can carefully inject just the muscles that pull down, giving a lift to the brows. This will also give the eyes a more open look. Most people can expect up to 2 millimeters of lift, which sounds like a little but in the face is usually enough for a noticeable improvement.

 botox brow lift


Treat Migraines

In October 2010, the FDA approved the use of Botox in the treatment of chronic migraines (a condition that causes headaches that last more than 14 days a month). Doctors treat migraines by injecting Botox into areas where patients feel tension -- usually the temples, forehead, neck and shoulders. It works by reducing muscle tension and strain on the nervous system and Botox blocks the pain receptors found in nerve cells.

You think Botox is for you, but you are still unsure. Now what?

As you can see, Botox is as extremely versatile treatment that can fix a wide variety of problems!  If you would like to know more about how Botox can work specifically for you, we’d be happy to sit down with you for a free consultation. Just give us a call at 208-939-3110 or schedule an appointment online.

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Check out our monthly specials for deals on Botox and more!


Topics: Botox, Excessive Sweating, Wrinkle Reduction

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