Silk Touch Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Spa - Blog

Goodbye Acne, Hello Clear Skin

Posted by Silk Touch Cosmetic Surgery on Jul 1, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Struggling with acne can be frustrating no matter what your age. Medication is often a solution to treat acne, but it doesn’t have to be the only one. At Silk Touch Cosmetic Surgery & Medspa, we offer a variety of treatments with our medical aestheticians that can help reduce the appearance of acne and get you the skin you’ve always wanted.Acne Treatments Blog

Acne LED Light Therapy

At Silk Touch we offer LED, RED, and BLUE light therapies. These treatments have the ability to reduce moderate to severe acne, and have even shown up to 80% clearance rates in clinical studies when used in combination. Light therapy, simply put, is the application of light energy to the skin for therapeutic benefits. When these light therapies are done in combination, they can increase collagen production, accelerate the repair and replenishment of damaged skin cells, neutralize acne causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and so much more.

This treatment is non-invasive, has no downtime, and is painless. No matter your age or skin type, this treatment can be safe and beneficial for you.

Acne Photo Dynamic Therapy

Acne Photo Dynamic Therapy, or PDT, is a skin treatment that can be highly effective in treating moderate to severe acne. How PDT works is Levulan®, which is a clear solution of 20% Aminolevulinic Acid, is applied to the skin 30 minutes to several hours before the treatment. During this time, the solution is absorbed into active cells, like acne sebaceous glands, which makes the targeted acne cells more sensitive to the light. The Levulan® is activated by non-UV light in the blue spectrum which in return destroys acne and leaves you with smoother skin. This treatment has made it possible for patients to stop the use of medications such as Accutane® in many cases.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels have been shown to reduce the formation of acne and improve skin texture. We offer a variety of chemical peels that can help in the treatment of acne. To learn more read our blog post on chemical peels here.

Say goodbye to your acne and hello to clear, beautiful skin by trying one of our acne treatments at Silk Touch. For more information on which treatment is best for you, call us at 208-939-3110 to book an appointment and a VISIA Skin Analysis with one of our aestheticians.


Topics: Acne

Say Goodbye to Mask Acne With Chemical Peels

Posted by Silk Touch Medical Aesthetics on Feb 4, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Has your skin been suffering lately due to increased mask wearing? Wearing masks during this pandemic is important to do our part, but that doesn’t mean your skin should suffer. Many have found frequently wearing a mask has caused unwanted acnealso known as, “maskne.” We here at Silk Touch have just the solution for you!


Chemical peels, like our glycolic acid peel, work by exfoliating the skin to remove dead skin cells and deep cleaning your pores. Not only does this peel help reduce the formation of acne, but it can also improve your skin’s texture, leaving you with more refreshed, glowing skin. In addition to helping treat acne, depending on the type of chemical peel, peels can also address anti-aging concerns and irregular pigmentation. At Silk Touch we offer a large selection of chemical peel solutions in a variety of strengths that can be customized to treat your skin type and specific skin concerns. 

Chemical Peels types we offer:

  • Glycolic Acid
  • Salicylic Acid
  • Lactic Acid
  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)
  • Variety of Epionce Peels

Before you turn to medication to fight off your maskne, give chemical peels a try! Book a complimentary Visia Skin Care Analysis with one of our skilled medical aestheticians to find out what peel is right for you. 

Request a Free Consultation

Topics: Chemical Peels, Acne

Best Treatments for Acne Scarring

Posted by Sara Barrett on Jan 22, 2018 10:29:00 AM


As if the emotional toll that acne exerts on its sufferers isn’t enough, scars left in its wake can serve as a daily reminder of days one would soon rather forget. Some acne can leave behind pitted indents in the skin that last a lifetime.

While this remains one of the more stubborn conditions to treat, aesthetic technology has made the battle with acne scars one we can win.

CO2 Fractional Laser and Acne Scar Treatment

Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing can erase years from your face and dramatically improve the appearance of acne scarring, wrinkles and pigment, but it is not a lunchtime procedure. 

acne scar treatment boise

Fractional CO2 uses small columns of fractionated energy to ablate areas of damage. “Tiny wounds are made and the surrounding healthy skin helps with healing, making new collagen and elastin. It offers improvement in scarring, discoloration and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production. 

The downtime with CO2 laser resurfacing can be lengthy, often 1 – 2 weeks. You’ll need to follow specific skin-care instructions and beware that your skin will go through some major changes during the healing process. However, this procedure is great for those who want big results in just one procedure.

This month we are running a special on CO2 – Buy a Face treatment, Get a Neck treatment for 75% Off. Claim this offer here. 

Microneedling and Acne Scar Treatment

A less-aggressive treatment for acne scarring, with a lot less downtime is Microneedling. While you will need more treatments to see results, this non-invasive procedure is quickly becoming a client favorite here at Silk Touch. 

acne scar treatment boise

This treatment uses multiple microscopic needles to penetrate the surface layers of skin – creating very small wound patterns to break old collagen chains and trigger the healing process to smooth the appearance of scars, wrinkles and stretch marks.

Most patients are very comfortable during the treatment. We use a topical numbing cream that remains on the skin for 30-40 minutes prior to the treatment. The feeling is similar to a rough exfoliation. 

With Microneedling, patients will notice and immediate glow to their skin, but visible changes develop over the course of several weeks. Multiple treatments are needed for optimal results.

Interested in learning more? Request a Free Treatment Consultation

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Topics: Scar Reduction, microneedling, Acne, CO2 fractional laser

Burn Off The Doubt & Peel Through To Confidence. Getting Rid of Acne Scars with CO2 Laser

Posted by Kellie Mcmillan on Aug 23, 2016 12:07:37 PM

 By: Kellie McMillan

When we are young most of us go through an awkward stage in life. Whether its braces, “too short”, “too tall”, “too skinny”, “too fluffy”, or acne, those times can be hard and also mold us as individuals. It can make us strong later on, but mainly insecure. 6th grade was the first year I got my first red mound of pus, which turned into a face full of them. As I’d like to thank my dad for passing these lovely things down to me, we can’t really change our genetics can we? I thought of myself as “the creature from the unknown”.

I tried everything from antibiotics, skin treatments, specialized washes, to diets, and nothing worked. I missed out on a lot of things, because I was so insecure about myself. I finally got rid of my acne after high school when I discovered Accutane. As much as I am so happy that I got rid of my acne, now I was left with these awful scars that became apart of me.

Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear, and my confidence was almost non-existent. Then I started working at Silk Touch Med Spa. I started learning about so many things in the skin industry. I never was interested in knowing too much about some of these things, because of the certain stigma that was created about cosmetic treatments, but after actually gaining the knowledge about these things we have available to us to make us feel better about ourselves, it changed everything I had ever thought negatively about it. It’s human nature to be bias when it comes to something we know little about. We tend to emphasize the negative to downplay the positive in the things uncharted.

That is when I found out about the CO2 laser resurfacing. I waited a whole year because I was a chicken, but after seeing what our patients experienced and how much it helped them I finally got on board to do it. We were originally going to just treat my cheeks where my scars were the worst, but then decided to just do my whole face since I was already going through the procedure. It not only helped my scars, it helped my overall texture and pore size. My skin feels the smoothest it has ever been.


I will warn you, the first week is a little intense since you look like a giant scab. I did not want to be seen in public. By the second week I was red but able to put on a little make up to go out into the world. We tell everyone it’s a good 10 days of down time. You purge, you flake, and just have to be patient with it. Every month I saw more and more improvement. I am now 6 months out and happier than ever that I decided to do it.

I would recommend it to anyone who has ever had a similar insecurity. It’s time to be more open minded about things that can make us feel more confident. I’m in my 30’s and our 30’s are considered our prime time right?  It was time for me to inhale confidence and exhale doubt. Why not treat something to help me feel more confident than I ever have before!!!


Request a Free Consultation

Learn more about CO2 Laser Treatments Here.

Topics: Acne, CO2 fractional laser, Acne Scars

FDA Approved Treatment for Acne Scars

Posted by Sara Barrett on Feb 19, 2015 9:54:00 AM

The FDA has approved Bellafill, an injectable filler, for the treatment of moderate to severe acne scars. Acne is the most common skin disorder in the U.S., affecting more than 40 million people, and this is big news for people with severe cases or lingering scars.


This new treatment is ideal for patients who have not responded to topical therapy, like Retin-A, which takes months and only improves very superficial scars; those who do not want to go through a series of five chemical peels; or those who have only a few scars.

If done properly, most patients will require only one or two treatments. And it’s permanent.

Bellafill incorporates both collagen and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres. The collagen provides immediate volume and lift. Over time, it’s absorbed by the body, while the microspheres remain as filler. In a study of the filler on patients with acne, 85 percent of 147 subjects rated their appearance as improved at six months, and 90 percent were satisfied at 12 months.

For the past eight years, the FDA-approved version of this injectable was called ArteFill, and it was officially cleared as a permanent filler for nasolabial folds, a.k.a. smile lines. BellaFill is still used for full face-rejuvenation, volume restoration, smile lines, and under eye correction for hollowness and dark circles

Schedule Your Free Consultation >>

Topics: Artefill, Acne, BellaFill, Acne Scars

Should you ever pop a pimple?

Posted by Sara Barrett on Mar 22, 2013 11:00:00 AM

It never fails. It could be the night before a big date or that all-important board meeting where you have to give a presentation. You glance in the mirror and see an unpleasant sight: an intrusive whitehead. Although your first thought might be to pop it and move on with your day, avoid making a hasty choice and learn what’s best for your skin.

For some reason, popping a pimple provides us with much satisfaction. While seeing an unwelcome nuisance disappear feels gratifying momentarily, consider the aftermath of your actions. Picking or popping a pimple can actually push the dirt and bacteria deeper into the skin, causing more swelling, redness and irritation. If your skin is prone to scars, popping a pimple can lead to long-term damage. Deep scars can even become permanent and require professional solutions like laser treatments.

Rest assured that most pimples will go away on their own in due time. If you want to speed up the process, there are several treatments and products that help clear up acne, reduce the appearance of scars and even out the complexion.

Acne Treatments at Silk Touch: 

Read more about treatments here.

As with most treatments, acne treatments are very individualized at Silk Touch. During a consultation, our aestheticians will meet with you and discuss your individual concerns, following that we use VISIA skin analysis to determine the underlying cause of your acne. Using this information, we will write up our recommended treatment plan and product suggestions – all based on your condition, budget and skin type.

We are offering free consultations and Visia Skin analysis. If you are struggling with acne, give us a call or request an appointment online.

Silk Touch Appointment

If you feel the need to pop and can’t resist it, we recommend going to a professional for extractions – to avoid scarring and further trauma to the skin. But, if you absolutely must do it, make sure hands are washed, face is clean and you squeeze gently and stop before blood is drawn.

Topics: Skin Care, Acne

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