Sometimes the smallest problems can contribute a great deal to an aging look. Lip lines, also called smokers’ lines, are those little vertical fissures above your upper lip. Most women get them as the years pass, whether they smoke or not. The process is the same as it is for all facial aging: the skin loses tone and elasticity on the surface while the volume under the skin diminishes. The result is a wrinkled, sunken look.

What causes lip lines?
1. Sun Exposure
Are you surprised with this one? It seems those UV rays always take the blame for aging. Even on the coldest day, we still get UV exposure. The only way to help with the aging affects of sun exposure? You guessed it - stay out of the sun and lather up on sunscreen every single day!
2. Smoking
In addition to all the other scary health issues that come with smoking - the repeated motion of puckering up causes the tiny grooves in the skin above your lips to form more quickly, and to become more pronounced.
3. Straws
Though this has not been scientifically proven - many medical sources say that the frequent use of straws can cause lip lines to form sooner. The same is said about kissing - but you may want to weigh the benefits on that one.
4. Aging
The one thing none of us can do anything about? Aging. Sort of. There are plenty of lifestyle changes that can help prevent of slow down the appearance of lines around the upper lip. Moisturize, drink plenty of water, use a Retinol, get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet.
How to Treat Lip Lines
If your genetic code or past-sun exposure or smoking has resulted in lines to your upper-lip, there are many steps you can take to minimize and even completely erase their appearance.