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Best Treatments for Acne Scarring

Posted by Sara Barrett on Jan 22, 2018 10:29:00 AM


As if the emotional toll that acne exerts on its sufferers isn’t enough, scars left in its wake can serve as a daily reminder of days one would soon rather forget. Some acne can leave behind pitted indents in the skin that last a lifetime.

While this remains one of the more stubborn conditions to treat, aesthetic technology has made the battle with acne scars one we can win.

CO2 Fractional Laser and Acne Scar Treatment

Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing can erase years from your face and dramatically improve the appearance of acne scarring, wrinkles and pigment, but it is not a lunchtime procedure. 

acne scar treatment boise

Fractional CO2 uses small columns of fractionated energy to ablate areas of damage. “Tiny wounds are made and the surrounding healthy skin helps with healing, making new collagen and elastin. It offers improvement in scarring, discoloration and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production. 

The downtime with CO2 laser resurfacing can be lengthy, often 1 – 2 weeks. You’ll need to follow specific skin-care instructions and beware that your skin will go through some major changes during the healing process. However, this procedure is great for those who want big results in just one procedure.

This month we are running a special on CO2 – Buy a Face treatment, Get a Neck treatment for 75% Off. Claim this offer here. 

Microneedling and Acne Scar Treatment

A less-aggressive treatment for acne scarring, with a lot less downtime is Microneedling. While you will need more treatments to see results, this non-invasive procedure is quickly becoming a client favorite here at Silk Touch. 

acne scar treatment boise

This treatment uses multiple microscopic needles to penetrate the surface layers of skin – creating very small wound patterns to break old collagen chains and trigger the healing process to smooth the appearance of scars, wrinkles and stretch marks.

Most patients are very comfortable during the treatment. We use a topical numbing cream that remains on the skin for 30-40 minutes prior to the treatment. The feeling is similar to a rough exfoliation. 

With Microneedling, patients will notice and immediate glow to their skin, but visible changes develop over the course of several weeks. Multiple treatments are needed for optimal results.

Interested in learning more? Request a Free Treatment Consultation

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Topics: Scar Reduction, microneedling, Acne, CO2 fractional laser

Affirm Laser: Say GOODBYE to Stretch Marks!

Posted by Shannon Morgan on Sep 7, 2012 12:27:00 PM

Recently over coffee one of my girlfriends shared this story with me, “One day I was getting ready to get in the shower, when I glanced in the mirror and to my horror I saw something that wasn’t there yesterday.  Stretch marks!  I made it 8 months into my first pregnancy without a single one.  Of course I have been searching online for what to do to prevent them from happening, but that still leaves me with the haunting question what to do with the ones that I already have.”.  The answer to her problem? Affirm Laser

Affirm Laser is the only FDA approved laser to treat stretch marks.  The Affirm Laser combines a 1320NM and 1440nm laser wavelengths to boost collagen deep within the skin which helps flatten stretch marks.  The laser fires both lasers almost simultaneously so that the patient only feels a “pinch” once.  It also stimulates new collagen production in the treated area, and will help reduce sagging over time.

Here is a before and after photo from one of our past patients. The results are unbelievable! This patient received Affirm Laser on their stomach, only on the left side.  You can see the results are!

Affirm Laser, Silk Touch Med Spa


Before & After Photos Silk Touch Med Spa Boise

With the Affirm Laser multiple procedures are suggested to optimize the results.  Four to six treatments being about three to six weeks apart is average, and each procedure taking about 30 to 45 minutes. This procedure requires little to no down time, because the Affirm Laser does not remove any layers of skin, so most patients experience sunburn like redness that can easily be covered up with make-up, and dissolve within 24 hours.

Since Affirm Laser is gentle on the skin and does not need dies or markers to mark the treatment area it can be used on virtually any part of the body.  From the stomach, to the breast, the thigh area - any place where stretch marks might creep in! 

After being treated with the Affirm Laser my friend noticed a dramatic change, and couldn’t be happier.  If your problem is not stretch marks, the Affirm Laser also treats:

  • surgical scars

  • traumatic scars

  • skin tone and clarity

  • pigmentation

  • pore size

  • deep lines and folds

  • acne pock marks

  • texture

  • winkle reduction

To see if you are a good candidate to use the Affirm Laser, visit this link for more information. You can also schedule your FREE consultation with our staff by clicking the link below, or by calling us at 208-939-3110.

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Topics: Stretch Marks, Affirm, Scar Reduction

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