If you look at any magazine stand, you will see covers blasting claims such as “Flat Stomach in Just 2 Weeks!” and “Get A Perfect Body in 5 Easy Steps”
For those of us who have eagerly read those articles, usually by the end we are filled with disappointment. Most of these articles seem targeted towards people who already have what we would consider great stomachs, and are simply looking to tone or flatten the stomach – which is why the magazines can make the impossible claim of getting your dream body in less than 2 weeks. But for the rest of us, who actually have a stomach we want to lose, we know these cult diets and exercise tricks are just not going to cut it.
Here are 4 actual ways to improve the appearance of your stomach – whether your problem is extra weight, loose skin post-pregnancy, stretch marks, or you simply just want it to look better.
1. Smartlipo
The #1 option for those looking for a more contoured, smaller waist and abdomen is Smartlipo & Vaser. While this option isn’t for everybody, it is the most effective and quickest way to get the body you want. This option is especially great for those people who have tried dieting and exercising and have seen little results. If you aren’t seeing the results you deserve, Smartlipo can be a great way to get you to your goal and help you stay there.

Save Up To $500 On Smartlipo + Get a $300 Spa Gift Card.
2. Tightening – Venus Freeze
Sometimes weight isn’t the problem we have with our stomach. It’s loose or lax skin. This problem is especially prevalent after pregnancy. Don’t waste your time on creams or lotions that claim to tighten skin, reduce cellulite and lessen stretch marks –they don’t work!
Luckily, there is something that does work, and BOY DOES IT WORK! Venus Freeze skin tightening is a quick, comfortable, in-office treatment that uses radio frequency to tighten the skin. It is quickly becoming the most requested treatment at our practice, and recently won an award from American Healthy and Beauty as the #1 Treatment in 2013.
3. Spray Tanning
A really great way to improve the appearance of your stomach is by tanning. A great spray tan can take POUNDS off of your appearance. It also makes your legs, arms and neck appear longer and thinner, as well as it hides everyones worst and most hated enemy—stretch marks.
Did you know that we offer spray tanning at Silk Touch? It’s extremely affordable compared to other places, and our staff is extremely trained – which means a flawless tan for almost half the price.
4. At Home
Of course there are things you can do at home to help shape up your tummy. Even those who go the Smartlipo route need a solid routine at home to help maintain their results post-treatment. We asked a few of our staff members who are also big fitness-buffs (several have even competed in fitness competitions) what they do at home to keep their stomachs in tip-top shape.
They shared this awesome infographic that they swear the follow everyday. Try adding these workouts to your routine for a better stomach. Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water! Often times we bloat because our bodies are dehydrated and therefore are retaining more water because they are in “survival mode."