Silk Touch Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Spa - Blog

Stephanie Cook (Patient Care Coordinator)

Stephanie is the patient care coordinator at Silk Touch Med Spa. She is here to answer any and all questions about liposuction & other treatments at Silk Touch.

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Let's do Lunch! October Lunch & Learn

Posted by Stephanie Cook (Patient Care Coordinator) on Oct 17, 2018 10:14:09 PM

Join us for lunch and learn about the best options to get rid of unwanted fat. Catered lunch, giveaways and event pricing. Free to attend but only 10 spots available. To RSVP call us at 208-939-3110. 

Thursday, October 25 from 12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m.


Topics: liposuction

One Size Doesn't Fit All...

Posted by Stephanie Cook (Patient Care Coordinator) on Oct 25, 2017 8:18:43 PM

Why does Silk Touch Med Spa offer free consultations?  Because one size doesn’t fit all.  What may work for one patient- may not work or be the best fit for another.  This is why consultations are so important.  It allows us to work together in building the right roadmap for your individual situation.  During your consultation we will ask important questions about what you would like to see change, your time frame, expectations and of course budget.  We get a lot of phone calls about people asking what something costs- the price, but the price will not matter if the procedure is not the best fit for you.

Consultations are a win/win for everyone.  It gives us a chance to get to know you a little better and you to know us.  We learn together by exchanging knowledge and information and at the end of it we will have a clearer view of where we can go-together!

We'd love to meet you - consultations are free, including our state-of-the-art VISIA digital skin analysis. Give us a call at 208-939-3110 or click below to request your free consulation online.

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Topics: Silk Touch Med Spa

Can You Get Liposuction on Your Knees?

Posted by Stephanie Cook (Patient Care Coordinator) on Jan 9, 2017 11:00:00 AM

If you’ve ever looked down and wished you had thinner knees - we can help! Some people due to genetics have the tendency to hold onto fat around the knee area. Liposuction of the knees can reduce extra fat and sculpt the knees to proportinally match your natural leg shape. Dr. Kerr of Silk Touch is one of only a few Doctors in the world that will work on knees. So if you’re looking for thinner knees- you’ve definitely found the right place with Dr. Kerr and Silk Touch Med Spa.

Who is a candiate? 

Not everyone who thinks their knees are “fatty” is necessarily candidate for liposuction on the knees. As these are a difficult area, we request clients to come in for a consultation or to send photos first for evaluation. See the before and after photo below as an example for a Knee lipo candidate:

What is the procedure like? 

After your intial consultation, you will come in for a pre-op with Dr. Kerr several days before your procedure. We will go over pre/post op insturctions as well as medications and any new questions you might have. The actual procedure is usually done in about three hours. After the procedure, compression socks will have to worn for two weeks. Lower legs can often take longer to heal since they are gravity dependant and the furthest from the heart. Dr. Kerr tells his liposuction patients that they will feel 80% at the end of week one and 90% at the end of week two, add two weeks healing time on to lower legs.

Skin Tightening & Knee Lipo

As with any liposuction procedure you will get some skin tightening and you will in the knee area as well. The body’s injury response due to the removal of fat will kick in and collagen and elastin will be produced to repair the injury. Holding the tissues under compression will tell the body this is the shape we want you to come back to. How much tightening varies from patient to patient and factors such as age and stretch marks can play a role in how well skin retracts back. If skin laxity is an issue there are other procedures that we can incorporate with liposuction such as our new Thermitight or PDO Threads to promote more skin tightening.

The best way to find out if your knees are good candidates for this procedure is to book a complimentary consultation at Silk Touch Med Spa.

Request a Free Consultation


Topics: liposuction, Smartlipo Knees, thermitight

Will I get Tighter Skin with Liposuction?

Posted by Stephanie Cook (Patient Care Coordinator) on Oct 26, 2016 9:00:00 AM

One of the most common questions asked by patients during a liposuction consult is: What happens to my skin when you take out the fat?

Will the skin get tighter after liposuction alone? The short answer - yes - you will get some retraction or tightening of the skin once the volume of fat is removed. How much depends on a couple of factors..

Skin Tightening From Liposuction 

First is of course age, as we get older our skin loses a lot of the elasticity and thickness that it has when we are younger.   Secondly is stretch marks, we call that skin compromised. It has been stretched so far that it has lost most of the elasticity and when we take the volume out that skin may become more lax. Think of a balloon that is blown up really big and then the air starts to leak. The crinkling that happens when the balloon loses air may happen in the area where there are a lot of stretch marks after liposuction.

Some tightening occurs after liposuction because we have created an injury and the body’s natural response is going to be to repair that injury. The body will build collagen and elastin to do that.

The reason that we use compression after liposuction is to tell the body that this is the shape we want you to come back to. It allows for the adhering down of the skin to the new collagen and elastin being produced and that is where we get some skin tightening.

What If I Want Skin Tightening with My Lipo?

Until recently, the only for additional skin tightening with lipo was with Venus Freeze non-invasive skin tightening sessions following your lipo treatment. While this is a great option with impressive results - some patients need more skin tightening than Venus can offer, or want to tigthen the skin during the same procedure as their lipo. One & down! Now, with our new ThermiTight RF skin tightening treatment - we can easily add skin tightening to any area during your lipo procedure. 

 Request a Free Consultation

Topics: liposuction, skin tightening, thermitight

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