Doesn't seem like their is a new weight lossdrug being advertisied every day? Oh I wish it were that easy! I know I have been tempted by a few of these myself....but...the naked truth is....These are all bogus....there is a new one of these each week....and they have a different product to sell.
Best weight loss advice I can give anyone in their 50's:
1. Get your hormones checked. If thyroid is out of whack, that can keep weight around the middle. Bio identical hormones can be a god send for women in their 50s.
2. Exercise: A combination of aerobic exercise and weight training is best. In our 50s....weight training is even more important because we lose muscle and muscle burns fat. Spend more time on weights. Vary your exercise program so your body doesn't get used to the same old thing.
3. Eating: There is no way around this.....we have to eat better and choose what we eat more carefully. Portion control is a must. I find that a smaller plate is key. Eat 1/2 of what you would like to eat. Watch sugars and fats, but don't deny ourselves of good fat. At this age, we are often free from children and money troubles so we are free to eat out more...which is terrible for our midsection. Take half of your order home to eat the next day.
4. Take vitamins and minerals so your body gets the nutrition that it needs and we don't have as many cravings.
5. Water: Drink more of it. Carry a bottle with you. Drink a full glass 15-20 minutes before each meal. When you think you are hungry....drink first.
If you still hit a plataue and can't seem to get rid of that little extra around the waist, hips, thighs or really anywhere on the body - or would like additional contouring - we invite you to come meet with the experts at Silk Touch to discuss our state-of-the-art body contouring procedures - including liposuction, non-invasive fat removal treatments and skin tightening treatments.